As Thanksgiving approaches, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude to all of our supporters and community partners for joining us in this work. We also want to be mindful that the holidays can bring anxiety and stress, especially for the 1 in 4 women in our community who have experienced abuse in their lives. While it’s unclear if abuse occurs more over the holidays, it is a time that may be stressful for someone who is experiencing or has experienced abuse.
If you notice behavior such as possessiveness, overt control, or humiliating one’s partner in front of others:
- Privately share your concerns with the person who experienced the abusive behavior.
- Listen to, believe and affirm their feelings. This may be the first time their feelings have ever been acknowledged.
- Don’t tell them what to do. A survivor of domestic abuse is the expert of their experience.
- Personal safety is critical. Word getting back to an abuser that a friend or family member is offering advice or asking questions about abuse can put more people in danger.
- Check out SHALVA resources on our website ( or call us at 773.583.4673 if you’re unsure of what to say in any situation.
Remember also that even if one is no longer experiencing abuse, the holiday season can be re-traumatizing or triggering for survivors. Make sure you tell your friends and family know that you are thankful for them this Thanksgiving, for their presence in your life and for their strength.