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Video Library

Welcome to our video library. Here you can find many of our past programs covering a wide range of topics related to domestic abuse. To learn about new programs, follow SHALVA on Facebook and Instagram.

Understanding Abuse

person with laptop

Show You CARE - Videos

Take the first step to helping a friend our family member experiencing abuse by watching our Show You CARE videos.


Why Do They Do That?

A conversation with expert Lundy Bancroft on the dynamics of an abusive relationship, warning signs, the effects on children and how we can work together the break the cycle of domestic abuse.


Where to Turn for Help

Learn about resources in Cook County government for survivors of domestic abuse.


PTSD and Intimate Partner Violence

Hear from a survivor of intimate partner abuse and our SHALVA clinical director about the lingering effects of the trauma of intimate partner violence (IPV).

Past Continuing Legal Education Programs


The Jewish Divorce Process and Get Refusal

When a husband refuses to give a Get, the woman becomes an “agunah” or “chained woman” and cannot remarry. Get refusal is a form of domestic abuse.


Strategies for Representing Survivors of Domestic Abuse

Our panel of family law experts discuss best practices for representing survivors and what clients should expect from their attorneys.


Domestic Abuse, ACEs and Trauma

Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, impact on your legal practice. Learn specific changes you can implement and become a more effective advocate.

Orthodox Rabbinic Task Force


When You Just Need to Talk


When Home is No Longer Baayis Neeman B’Yisrael


How to Maintain Your Dignity

Join the conversation about navigating and understanding the shidduch scene for a healthy, happy marriage while dealing mental health challenges.


Facing Challenges at Home


When You Feel There is Nothing But Sea Ahead