Be Heard. Feel Supported. Find Peace.

It’s devastating to realize that a person you once trusted would manipulate, control or harm you not once, but over and over again. No matter your situation, we’re here to help you sort through your options to find the life that you deserve. At SHALVA, we are experts in Jewish relationships and abuse.

Understanding Domestic Abuse

Abuse can take many different forms.  So how do you know what you are experiencing is abuse?

Learn to Identify Abuse

How Can I Help My Friend or Loved One?

Are you concerned for a friend or family member who may not be safe in their relationship? Learn how to help them.

Support Others

Healthy Relationships

Want to maintain a long-term, healthy and fulfilling relationship with your partner?

Start Here

First Visit

When you call SHALVA, you will find non-judgmental and compassionate staff who are ready to help. All our services are free and confidential.

What happens?

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Your gift provides counseling, education and resources that help break the cycle of abuse.

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