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Mission Statement

Our Vision:

SHALVA envisions a knowledgeable and supportive community dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic abuse, where everyone feels safe and respected in their home or relationship.

Our Mission:

SHALVA offers deep Jewish cultural competency and expertise in domestic abuse to support our diverse community.

•SHALVA empowers those experiencing and healing from domestic abuse by offering confidential counseling or referral and needed supportive services.

•SHALVA works for lasting social change through community education aimed at increasing awareness, understanding, prevention, and healthy relationships.

SHALVA’s Guiding Principles

Core belief: Everyone has the right to feel safe in their intimate partner relationship.

SHALVA is rooted in the following Jewish values:

We strive for peaceful relations in one’s home based on mutual responsibility and respect.Shalom Bayit (peace in the home)

We aim to provide the highest quality client-centered services in a safe and supportive environment. Chesed (kindness)

We believe domestic abuse is a community issue. We must not be bystanders when we see suffering. Lo Ta’amod Al Dam Rayekha (do not stand idly by)

We help clients maintain and/or regain their dignity, sense of self, and control over their lives. We believe that every person has great value and deserves to be treated with respect. Kavod (respect)

Domestic Abuse doesn’t discriminate. Anyone can be impacted by domestic abuse regardless of gender identity, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, religion, education, or socioeconomic background.