What Rabbis and Congregants Can Do to Raise Awareness of Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse violates the cherished principles of Jewish tradition and law. The lack of awareness and denial on this topic has impaired the understanding of how domestic abuse impacts the Jewish community, which limits the resources and services available for women and their families. As a result, many Jewish victims remain silent and do not come forward to ask for help. They feel frightened, embarrassed, confused, and isolated.
As a community, we can no longer remain silent. It is our responsibility to give voice to this important issue. Get started today:
- Speak about domestic abuse in a sermon and/or d’var Torah.
- Conduct a study session or shiur using Jewish texts.
- Write an article for your congregation’s newsletter.
- Talk to your board members about ways the congregation can take action.
- Provide support to women and men experiencing domestic abuse by listening to them and providing information and resources.
- Address the issues of teen dating violence, bullying, and teasing with youth groups, confirmation classes, and high school classes.
- Invite SHALVA speakers to your congregation to speak about abuse or a related topic such as: Healthy Relationships, How to Recognize Abuse, and How to Help a Friend.
- Display SHALVA posters and other resources in the synagogue restrooms and/or office.
- Support SHALVA by organizing projects to create awareness or fundraising opportunities (all SHALVA services are free).
- Encourage members to donate professional services (e.g., family law attorneys).
With your help, we can break the silence and cycle of abuse. Reach out to SHALVA at 773-583-HOPE (4673) resources and support.