- Recognize that domestic abuse is a community issue, not just a “woman’s issue.”
- Understand that abuse is not always physical: it can also be emotional, verbal, economic, spiritual or sexual.
- Don’t be a bystander or look the other way. You can hold perpetrators accountable, provide them with resources, and encourage them to choose non-violence.
- Lead by example. Teach your children to treat others with dignity and respect.
- Teach your children that abuse is never acceptable or justified under any circumstances.
- Encourage your synagogue, workplace, and your children’s schools to provide adult education about respect, anger, and abuse and to provide youth education about healthy relationships.
- Boycott media (videos, movies, websites, video games) that promotes violence against women and girls.
- Have the courage to look inward and understand your own attitudes and actions toward others.
- Collaborate with and support SHALVA by volunteering your time and expertise, holding or joining a fundraiser, or joining our board.
- Reach out to someone you are concerned about and refer them to SHALVA; all services are free and confidential.
“In the Torah there can be no compromise on human dignity.”
If you think you or someone you know may be in an abusive relationship, call SHALVA’s free and confidential 24/7 Help/Crisis Line at 773-583-HOPE (4673).