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JUF TOV Good Deeds Day

Participating in JUF's annual Good Deeds Day? Stop by the base location where SHALVA and other partner organizations will be hosting various tabling opportunities. Learn more about Good Deeds Day…

Navigating Conflict at Work and Home

Sketchpad 4411 N. Ravenswood, Suite 300, Chicago, IL, United States

Conflict is inevitable in all of our relationships, including in the workplace, so how can we think about it as a positive? Join SHALVA and Sketchpad for networking and conversation around this…

Save the Date! Virtual Annual Luncheon

Featuring Chicago native Sara Sherbil, a survivor of family violence and the author of There was Night and There was Morning. Sara will be in conversation with world-renowned expert Jeffrey Edleson, Ph.D., about how exposure to abuse affects one's development, from childhood through adulthood.

Event Chairs: Marla Jaffe and Mardi Scott

Look for your invitation in May.