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Oak Park Temple B’nai Abraham Zion

Anita Pildes, our Community Education and Outreach Coordinator, will speak about SHALVA and its services during Erev Shabbat services.  For more information, please contact Anita Pildes, 773.249.9088 or Oak Park Temple,  708-386-3937

Healthy Relationships Parent Daughter Conversation

During an interactive program on the topic of healthy relationships, Jordyn Scorpio will meet with a group of pre-teens while Anita Pildes speaks separately with their parents. The entire group will collaborate at the program’s conclusion.

YWCA 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training

Anita Pildes, Community Education and Outreach Coordinator, will lead a session about Domestic Abuse and Religion for those becoming certified by the State of Illinois to work with domestic abuse survivors.

Survivors Speaking Out


Whether in court, in the press, in art, or other spaces, when a survivor chooses to speak out about the abuse they have faced, there are many consequences they need to consider both legally and emotionally. The Depp v. Heard case is the latest celebrity headline and it will have a lasting legacy for survivors.…