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What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Northbrook Public Library 1201 Ceder Ln., Northbrook, IL

Film screening of What's Love Got to Do With It. Learn about Tina Turner's rise to stardom and how she courageously overcame her abusive marriage to Ike Turner.  Everyone's welcome. Registration encouraged! In partnership with the Northbrook Public Library.

DV and Religion

Part of the State of Illinois 40 hour professional training for certification to work with domestic abuse survivors. Sponsored by the YWCA.

New Volunteer Orientation


NEW VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION Start the Jewish New Year by becoming A SHALVA Volunteer! Join our next orientation program and learn about SHALVA's services, the ABC's of domestic abuse, ways you can partner with us and how to build healthier relationships in our community. Registration required to attend. If you have not completed a volunteer application…

Professional Training

We will train students at the Rosalind Franklin University, Scholl College of Podiatry, to recognize the warning  signs of domestic abuse, respond to patients and properly document their records, specific to their profession.