Insights ~ March 2019
Masking Abuse Purim is the holiday full of noisy celebration, a time when we dress in masks and costumes. At SHALVA, we see clients who wear a mask, hiding their…
Masking Abuse Purim is the holiday full of noisy celebration, a time when we dress in masks and costumes. At SHALVA, we see clients who wear a mask, hiding their…
The Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network and the community of domestic violence service providers extend our sympathy to the…
Current IL Legislative Concerns Once again, proposed amendments to the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (“IMDMA”) have been introduced that will change the way parenting time is determined…
MORE THAN BABY BLUES Karen* was devastated by her miscarriage and suffering from postpartum depression. Friends were so impressed by her husband Ken. He was right by her side,…
Lessons for Life Rochelle Zell Jewish High School seniors have been learning with SHALVA staff to reflect on their relationships as they prepare for college as part of the school…
Want to give an award-winning Chanukah gift? Your gift of Dear Evan Hansen tickets will win the prize! Only 16 seats left, side orchestra and lower loge, for the Sunday,…
Movie Night! SHALVA is a proud sponsor of the Chicago Festival of Israeli Film 7th annual evening of Films By & About Women! A SHALVA clinician will be discussing issues…
September 28, 2018 Dear Friends, As most of us closely monitored the turbulent events of this past week, we find ourselves continuing to grapple with strong emotions, opinions, and reactions.…
A Message from our President It is an honor to serve as SHALVA’s president. I follow an impressive group of people who have shepherded SHALVA to its current place…
Domestic violence happens at all ages. At SHALVA, we have always had a few older clients, but recently more women over 70 have been coming for counseling. #Metoo has been…