How to Talk to Kids About Relationships
- Remember
- It’s up to you, not their friends or the media, to educate them
- Begin the conversations BEFORE they start having romantic relationships
- Educate yourself about the difference between healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships
- You can influence but not control your child
- Be clear about your values with your child and lead by example
2. Teach
- The difference between healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships
- That assertiveness is good but aggressiveness isn’t
- How to express all types of feelings, even anger, in a healthy way
- Consent
3. Open Communication
- Take them seriously
- Listen – don’t lecture, judge or criticize
- Ensure confidentiality
- Be patient; don’t force issues
- Be honest
- Remind them that you’ll be there for them, no matter the situation
4. When They Talk
- Say you’re happy they confided in you
- Explore concerns together-you needn’t have all of the answers
- Ask how they feel when they’re with their partner
- Don’t criticize or say “you shouldn’t see ___anymore”
- Support their strengths
- Remind them that jealously isn’t love